Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Worst Leg Injury?

Here are three of the worst sports injuries I have ever seen. Prepare yourself

Glad to see he has recovered and is still playing in the NBA.

In my opinion, this one was the worst and if you listen carefully at the :22 mark you can actually hear it pop. Sad to see it happen to a senior...

Friday, December 11, 2009

Bo Pelini is a Creep

This is Bo Pelini looking at Ndamakung Suh's sister at the awards ceremony last night. Suh can't be happy...

Friday, December 4, 2009

Top 5 Most Underrated Inventions

1. The towel- I know this may sound weird, but you need to think of all the uses of a towel. When you go to the beach you grab a ___ , come out of the shower then you grab a __ , if your cold get a ___, need to clean something then use a __ , don't want beer to go on the ground during a pong game then put a ___ down , got sweat on your face? use a ___. I hope your getting the point here...

2. Cell phone- We use it all the time, but have you ever though about it? You can be in California and through a cell phone you can talk to someone in Europe. Thousands of miles away, but you can still hear their voice with no delay. Best part about it, no wires.

3. The elevator- Without this, would there be a Sears Tower ( I know the name changed to Willis Tower )? No. The elevator has made it possible for cities like Chicago, Los Angeles and New York to have the giant buildings they have. Such an important invention, but it never gets the respect it deserves.

4. The button- invented in 700 B.C., and has yet to be replaced. I think " the button " speaks for itself, and I can't see it ever being replaced. You realize how underrated "the button" is when your button breaks off your pants and for the rest of the day you have to put your hands in your pockets to keep them up.

5. Bug spray- So many times I find myself having a good time outside and then all the sudden the bugs come. Every barbecue you have to worry about the occasional bug that decides to land on your food. You could spend hours trying to swat that fly away with your hand, or use bug spray and eliminate the problem right away. Without it, I couldn't survive.